By All Our Violent Guides

By All Our Violent Guides


A novel of presences, love, mysteries, and art.

...It’s hard to give a shit these days.
She danced naked.  She danced naked with a particular scarf around her neck one midnight, footing through a well-lit apartment, unaware a woman across the street had seen her and called her boyfriend in for a look.  Living so high off the ground occasionally fostered notions of invisibility.  Not quite a voyeur’s dream, she usually closed her blinds, Regina usually kept clothes on, she rarely danced.  When she danced it was in a way no one would admirably recognize as such.  But sometimes, particularly summer nights which stretched as far as God could see, she forgot, and danced puttering with cleaning or if she couldn’t sleep...

​A novel that "​forces us to look at our own lives and how we interact with one another, as well as our shadows." ~ Catherine Winter

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