Regarding Lost Socks & Kindling
If I should lose what I think of as my mind please know that I may not be able to help you find it, so I offer this advance list to aid any in reminding me who I am.
I like long, hot baths. Music may play depending on whether it’s noisy outside or not. Or if it’s properly cloudy. Or I begin to hum. Put me in water.
I love being hugged. What a warmth and pull created by hugs! Get in there with both arms and your entire soul.
Read to me. Read me something unusual, something wickedly funny, something amazingly inventive. Read me poems and stories and Dr. Seuss.
Show me art. Show me paintings, sculptures, stained glass. Show me metal work full of spirals. Show me puppets and show me suits of armor. Show me pretty rocks and remind me what the word “juxtaposition” means.
If there’s a koi pond at hand, take me outside and let me speak to the fish. Privately.
Depending on the season, I may want to walk a bit, but only in the morning when it’s quiet. If it’s autumn and there are dry leaves, I’ll need a few moments with them.
Kiss me. That may sound strange but I like to be kissed. For propriety, let us keep my forehead and cheeks clean.
I would like to fall asleep on someone’s shoulder from time to time.
I love deep dish pizza. I know it’s trendy to want pizza so micro thin and simple one cuts one’s lip but I want to see my fork disappear into thick red sauce, a layer of cheese that could plug a hole in a bike tire, and meat. Give me my teeth from time to time so that I can enjoy meat.
I used to draw. I hope I still can. Give me paper, pencil, and several juice boxes. I might be a while.
Let me watch The Twilight Zone.
I love sweet potato pie and Rosario Dawson’s smile. I love smiles period. They’re the most illuminating thing about a person. I once fell in love with someone because she smiled at me. I hope you’ve done that too. It’s good to relate.
Please play Prince. I don’t care about hospital policy. Play Prince.
Let me sit in the shower from time to time with my back to the spray as I try to experience each individual droplet.
I do not like coffee. I like tea. I do not like bagels. I like doughnuts. I do not like smooth jazz. I like humps in my rhythm. Bumps. I do not like top 40 radio. Please never let me hear the words “lady lumps.”
There are certain people whose faces bring me joy. I won’t list them. They know. They’ll come.
Oatmeal cookies.
If it’s a cool, windy day I need to be near a window where I can see trees. Thank you.
I’m not big on naps but I love REM sleep. I imagine if it’s the future you can induce that state. Leave me there till I wake up.
I love when my feet are warm.
Conversely, I hate when my feet are cold.
Please keep my feet warm.
Soup, of almost any variety but split pea, is generally welcomed.
Babies laughing. Oh my gods, who doesn’t love the sound of babies laughing? Please let me experience babies laughing.
My favorite color used to be black but now I realize that was just a deeper deeper shade of blue. Find a deep blue robe for me and let me shuffle about.
If I’m allowed in the kitchen, I like washing dishes. I know. It’s weird. But let me do it. Not all the time. I’m not that weird. Just sometimes.
I might like jet skiing. I don’t know. I haven’t tried it.
I love beaches, clean ones where you can dig your toes into the surf line without fear of laceration. I love the sound of the waves and the motion of the water. I think they’re what infinity must be.
The scent and texture of roses remind me of making love. I hope there are bouquets in my room from time to time.
I like watching people genuinely having fun, so please don’t try to make me participate in board game night. I like to watch. Unless it’s retro night and someone has the old Dark Tower board game (a D&D type hybrid electronic/board game from the early 80s that had nothing to do with Roland or men in black). I’ll play that. I loved playing that with my brothers.
If I’m still able to write, let me ramble on and give the papers to you, where you’ll pretend to publish them even though I’ll know you won’t, but high marks to you for being kind.
On my bacon sandwich I need grape jam and a slice of cheese. My grits must have cheese. Never feed me eggs without cheese.
Use chocolate-covered almonds to calm me.
Don’t put a tie on me when you think I need to look special, it’ll only make me mad.
I’m not big on churches and religion. Take me out gardening instead.
Please clip my nose hairs, shave my face (but not too closely), and keep my head bald.
The stars. Let me see them. Let me really see them, away from lights and cities.
Let me watch thunderstorms, the more lightning the better.
My favorite superhero is Spider-Man. If you’d care to dress as him from time to time…
Gymnopédie No. 1 helps me remember how beautiful life is when we’re not hunting each other. Maybe play this every other day? If that’s not handy, Madhouse 8 will do.
I don’t like being alone the first few days of Fall. Fall should be shared with someone, someone who appreciates the value of silence. Let me sit with them.
Finally, it will do wonders for me if you allow me to wander. Just let me think I’m wandering even though your watchful eye will never lose sight of me. I might believe the world is still infinite and surprising; here’s hoping a bit of that part of me remains. Let me remember adventure.